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Patience & Presence

Last week I returned from a week long trip to Brussels, Belgium. It was such an honor to partner with the missionaries there! When I booked my plane ticket to Brussels I had absolutely no idea why I was going. The team I was visiting had given me zero details on what ministry would look like, who we would be partnering with, and even where we would be staying. Even as I went through security on the evening of my flight I was still asking the Lord "why am doing this?". As I boarded my plane I felt Jesus asking me "Delaney, what if I just wanted to travel with you because I love you? What if I just wanted to adventure with you? Would my presence with you be enough?". I thought about this question the entire flight and was truly delighted by the reminder that Jesus just wanted to be with me- no strings attached. As we landed I was listening to worship music and looking out on the city; I felt a stirring in my spirit and the Lord telling me "think of all of the wonderful places we will go during your life time. This trip is such a small snippet of the things to come." During my time in Brussels I partnered with the House of Prayer there. As I sat with this young couple from London who had left everything to move to Belgium with the desire of seeing a culture of worship cultivated in brussels my heart was so moved. As I worshipped and prayed in this prayer room, the Lord began to ask me what I wanted. Without thinking I responded with "I want to see this in Berlin." As the week went on my desire grew deeper and deeper. Admittedly, I was excited to get out of Berlin for a week, but not even 24 hours after landing in Brussels I found myself missing it and excited to go back and minister.

With three days left, during prayer, the Lord asked me again "Delaney what do you want?" And I responded with the same response. In His kindness, the Lord jokinging told me in this moment that it's a good thing He thinks bigger than me. In this moment He showed me snippets of my life: -myself interceding for Berlin on the streets of Kreuzberg, one of the darkest part of Berlin.

-my community in Berlin expanding, growing, and pioneering

-and several other pivotal moments on the missions field

As soon as this moment passed I found myself loudly praying "THAT'S what I want!". The Lord then asked me if I would be willing to let go of my last bit of control and let Him put my future together- starting with my yes to stay in Europe indefinitely. "Would you just rest in my presence and let me bless you with the things I know your heart desires?" He asked. it was the easiest and sweetest yes I've ever said in my life. So I came back to Berlin with this stirring in my heart: to see a place of prayer rise up in this city, and a culture of worship and intercession grow exponentially. The Lord's heart is for this city and I want to see people stand up and adore His name.

I am so thankful for the patience of Jesus today. And even more this I'm thankful for His presence. Acts, organizations, and even plans fade away- but the presence of God is everlasting. I am so excited for this chapter of life and am looking ahead to all of the blessings to come!

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